Topographical Surveying

Construction Surveying

Commercial, Residential & Rural

We specialise in construction surveying for commercial, residential and even rural projects. A construction survey is done to present locations and marks that are required for the engineers and construction work. Measurements are done to markout reference points. These reference points are used to determine the location of the planned structure, positioning and dimensions.

Here are a few examples of construction projects which we have worked on, but we are not limited to these examples.

Examples of construction projects:

Each construction project requires specific tasks to ensure the end goal is achieved. Below is a wide range of tasks that we do, but please feel free to give us a call to find out if we can assess your project. 

What we do:

Frequently Asked Questions

It can take between one to two days, weeks, months and/or years all depending on the size of the site and the required tasks.

We use surveying equipment such as Total Stations, Digital Levels and GPS.

Yes, a drone can be used. It all depends on the type of construction site and what is required.